Saturday, February 9, 2019

Public Relations and Corporate Communications

One of my students consulted me about a career in PR and I found this job ad at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore useful to skim over the areas I had experience with and also new areas in the industry:

Agency-Client Management

Pursue this career IF you enjoy the experience of handling a number of clients at the same time. 

Watch "Jerry Maguire

 "Show me the moneyyyyyyyyyy!!!" Jerry Maguire, a sports agent who's enduring a crisis of conscience. After he suddenly and unceremoniously loses his job and his girlfriend (Kelly Preston), both his personal and professional careers hit an all-time low. 

Yup, when he's hot he had all his phones ringing off the hook. Remember the scene where he's trying to convince Cuba Gooding Jr. to stay on with his agency? He had to ignore the other blinking lights (clients) on his phone. 

On top of that, he also had betrayal when Cushman showed all signs of staying with him only to turn around to sign the contract with the his competitor.

Reputation and Brand Management

One of my ***favourite*** aspects of PR is reputation and brand management because I experienced developing brand awareness for a company and re-branding another company.

Influencer Marketing (from Wikipedia)
Influencer marketing, in a commercial context, comprises four main activities:

- Identifying influencers, and ranking them in order of importance
- Marketing to influencers, to increase awareness of the firm within the influencer community 
- Marketing through influencers, using them to increase market awareness of the firm among target markets
- Marketing with influencers, turning them into advocates of the firm

Owned-paid-earned Content Generation

Corporate Communication (read Harvard Business Review)

Internal Communication
CEO Speech Writing
Leadership Communication

Media Research including Media Monitoring and Social Listening
I am currently exploring this area especially after a young colleague told me about "listening" in to social media, which is pretty fun.

Change Management Communication

Media Relations including Media Training
Another one of my areas of expertise, which involved training senior executives in media relations. 

As it is with corporate executives, you get good guys and bad guys. 

One of my favourite guys is a senior scientist from a developing country who was super excited about his first TV media appearance.

Corporate Storytelling

I had the wonderful opportunity of joining a workshop, which helped us identify 2 newsworthy cases - one of them literally sold itself purely due to the human interest angle. 

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